Day 2, Morning

(Email to family expecting us in Cape Cod on Friday March 23, recorded here on Mar 28)

These past 30 hours have been hell.

Amber was admitted to Backus ER yesterday morning. The doctors determined there was a mass on the right side of her brain. They put a breathing tube in and immediately sent her to CT Children’s Hospital. Upon arrival Dr. Martin, Director of Neurology, and his team, brought Amber quickly up for an operation to remove part of her skull. Dr. Martin was able to determine that she has a tumor that burst. He was able to clean up all the blood and some of the tumor was sent out to pathology. After being in the OR Amber is to remain heavily sedated and paralyzed to help with the healing. Dr. Martin is leaving the bone flap off so that the pressure and swelling of her brain can go down.

Next step is just making sure all of her vitals stay strong so that hopefully she can receive an MRI in a few days. Until then she will be getting a CT Head scan.

Please keep praying for her.

I feel like I’m in a nightmare…this is so horribly surreal…

I love you all so much and appreciate the love and support.

Please don’t get offended if you don’t hear back from me right away. This is just really devastating…